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SR - Pre-Op
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SR - 1 Year Post-Op
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CB - 6 Days PO
CB - 1 Month Post-Op
CB - 3 Months Post-Op
CB - 1 Year Post-Op
EW - Pre-Op
EW - 1 Month Post-Op
EW - 3 Months Post-Op
EW - 6 Months Post-Op
EW - 1 Year Post-Op
SM - 17 Years Post-Op
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VM - 1 Month Post-Op
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VM - 6 Months Post-Op
VM - 1 Year Post-Op
DM - Pre-Op
DM - 2 Days Post-Op
DM - 1 Year Post-Op
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VF - 6 Days Post-Op
VF - 3 Months Post-Op
VF - 6 Months Post-Op
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TT - 1 Hour Post-Op
TT - 6 Months Post-Op
TT - 1 Year 2 Months Post-Op
PB - Pre-Op
PB - 2 Days Post-Op
PB - 3 Months Post-Op
PB - 6 Months Post-Op
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TS - 4 Months Post-Op
TS - 5 Months Post-Op
IL - Preop
IL - 1 Month Post-Op
IL - 5 Months Post-Op
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BH - 1 Day Post-Op
BH - 4 Months Post-Op
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NM - 6 Days Post-Op
NM - 3 Months Post-Op
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RA - 6 Days Post-Op
RA - 2 Months Post-Op
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DB - 1 Month Post-Op
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JN - 1 Day Post-Op
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JE - 1 Day Post-Op
LA - Pre-Op
LA - 1 Day Post-Op
LA - 6 Days Post-Op
JW - Pre-Op
JW - 3 Days Post-Op


The voice modification surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure in our surgery suite. There will be a small, fine, one-inch line in the neck crease after the procedure. If desired, the Adam’s apple can be shaved during the same operation. There is very little discomfort afterwards, and the patient is able to fly home in 48 hours. Contact sports and extreme athletic endeavors are to be curtailed for several weeks after the procedure. The voice remains somewhat hoarse for a few weeks afterwards.

The goal of the surgery is to create a voice which sounds female on the telephone. The surgery is performed to the best of my ability. There can be no guarantee of the results, but there have been no serious complications or problems with this procedure to the present time.

The sole purpose for this procedure is to change the pitch of a male's voice into the female range. It will not help someone sing better, or strengthen their voice. It allows the transgender patient better to conform to a female if their voice sounds female.

A tiny incision is made in the natural crease of the neck. The vocal cords are adjusted. The incision is closed with a type of stitch that you will be able to pull one end/loop and all the stitches will come out much like the hem on a skirt at fourteen days after surgery. The incision is so fine that once healed, you won't even be able to find it. Dr. Mayer is a World Class Facial Plastic Surgeon and has been performing the Voice Modification surgery for more than 40 years. His results are amazing!



Facial Feminization Center of Beverly Hills
436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 202, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: (424)245-4156


©2024 by Dr. Toby Mayer.

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